Adam Mansbridge, Mortgage Broker

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Adam Mansbridge

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-383-0677

About Adam:

Adam has been a client care specialist throughout his entire professional life. In his mortgage practice, he prioritizes strategic thinking, attention to detail, clear and constant communication, and an obsession with a superb client experience. From pre-approval through the mortgage transaction and beyond, Adam’s aim is to exceed even the highest standard.

Originally from Ontario, Adam has been a proud Calgarian since 2013, calling this city his home along with his wife, daughter and labradoodle named Sundance. After completing an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Toronto, Adam spent two years living abroad, first in Paris and then in London, working and completing a Master of Arts degree at University College London. The travel bug runs deep. Outside of mortgages, Adam still loves to travel with his family. He also enjoys fishing when the opportunity strikes, the odd round of golf and cooking with friends and family. Scratch-made, wood-fired pizza is a particular passion.

But above all else, Adam truly enjoys the mortgage broker service, helping people make their home-ownership dreams become a reality.

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