Ayashah Kothawala, Mortgage Broker

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Ayashah Kothawala

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-478-4020
Email: ayashah@mortgageconnection.ca

About Ayashah:

Ayashah enjoys helping people and has been doing so for more than 30 years. Her 15 years’ experience in the financial planning industry gave her a solid knowledge base for assisting people with their mortgages—her profession for the last 13 years.

Buying a house is an exciting time, but it can be a stressful time too. Ayashah is here to support you every step of the way. She empathizes with all the anxiety which comes from talking about money and believes in going the extra mile to get things done.

Nobody cares more about you getting a mortgage than Ayashah! Lenders don’t easily provide financing these days, so when many of us have bruised credit or other impediments, getting a loan can seem impossible. First time home buyers face what seems an insurmountable learning curve. Whatever the case may be, Ayashah is here for you.

And helping is more than her profession; she’s been volunteering since the age of 17—giving back is very important to her.

In her spare time, you can find Ayashah hanging out with her family, in the mountains, or on the soccer field.

Call Ayashah today and let her know how she can be of service to you!

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