Chanele Langevin, Mortgage Broker

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Chanele Langevin

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 780-876-2707

About Chanele:

Based in Alberta

Originally from Montreal, Quebec, Chanele moved to Grande Prairie, Alberta at the age of 18 seeking new experiences and challenges. Chanele moved to Alberta with a French background and was looking primarily to learn English to pursue her post-secondary studies in a second language. After her first year in Alberta, she enrolled in Athabasca’s business department. After 5 years of late nights and hard work, she became a proud graduate of a Business Management Bachelor’s Degree. Chanele’s professional experience has always revolved around customer service from her first job at age 13 to this day. possessing a background in sales and finance, it only seemed like a natural transition to jump into the intriguing world of mortgage financing. In her spare time Chanele enjoys cooking, practicing yoga and volunteering for causes she is passionate about.

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