Collin Smith, Mortgage Broker

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Collin Smith

Partner & Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-302-2492

About Collin:

After completing a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Saskatchewan in 2000 Collin moved to Red Deer, Alberta where he began his career with a Big 5 bank as a mortgage specialist.

Working for 10 years as a mortgage specialist, he gained a vast amount of knowledge and came to the realization that it was time to make the change to become a mortgage broker where he could offer his clients a wider range of mortgage products.

Collin loves the daily challenge of being a mortgage broker and working with his clients to develop mortgage solutions to achieve their personal financial goals.

When not working in mortgages Collin is busy with his wife, son and daughter participating in any and all sports! Spending the last 20 years in Alberta, he has fallen in love with the mountains and gets out there whenever the opportunity presents itself!

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