Deeksha Anand, Mortgage Broker

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Deeksha Anand

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 825-561-5003

About Deeksha:

Deeksha has 4+ years of experience in the mortgage industry, having worked with a top-tier lender as a Mortgage Underwriter, she has a diverse range of knowledge under her belt. She has completed her graduation from Humber College with an accounting background and was granted a full scholarship and honorary distinction for being a valued student.

Her passion is to help people make their homeownership wishes come true, guiding them every step of the way toward their success and resolving any issues that may come their way. Her quick responsiveness, helpful nature, and positive demeanor earn her great merit and make her a trusted and dependable mortgage broker.

In her free time, she enjoys nature in the mountains, playing the piano, or spending quality time with her friends and family.

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