Erica O'Callaghan, Mortgage Broker

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Erica O’Callaghan

Mortgage Broker


About Erica:

Born and raised in Alberta, Erica holds a Bachelor of Management degree in Marketing from the University of Lethbridge. Following graduation, she entered the banking sector, where she gained valuable experience in financial management and client relations.

In 2010, following her passion for health and wellness, she transitioned into the yoga and fitness industry, becoming a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer. This shift allowed her to guide individuals towards improved physical and mental well-being, fulfilling a personal aspiration to make a beneficial difference in people’s lives. Recognizing the opportunity to blend her financial expertise with her passion for helping others, she transitioned into becoming a mortgage broker. This decision enabled Erica to seamlessly integrate her banking background with her commitment to assisting individuals in achieving their homeownership goals.

Outside of work, Erica enjoys spending leisure time outdoors and traveling with her two daughters, who are actively involved in competitive sports. These experiences provide moments of relaxation and enjoyment amidst the demands of everyday life.

Erica’s career journey reflects her unwavering dedication to personal growth, professional excellence, and making a positive impact in the lives of others.

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