Glenda Hack, Mortgage Broker

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Glenda Hack

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 780-289-4959

About Glenda:

With 37 years in the financial industry, Glenda excels as a mortgage specialist, boasting 23 years as a top performer. Her wealth of experience ensures clients receive expert guidance and professionalism throughout the mortgage process.

Driven by a passion for aiding others, Glenda’s approachable nature fosters comfortable and relaxed interactions. She is dedicated to securing optimal financial solutions for her clients through personalized care and attention.

When not immersed in mortgage affairs, Glenda can be found on the golf course, indulging in culinary pursuits, or cheering on her grandsons in hockey or soccer. Family, friends, and her Bouvier des Flandres pup, Decker, complete her joyful pursuits.

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