Heather Natividad, Partner & Mortgage Broker

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Heather Natividad

Partner & Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-835-9670
Email: heather@mortgageconnection.ca

About Heather:

A former teacher of 15 years, Heather joined the mortgage industry in 2008. Her inspiration for becoming a mortgage broker was born after her experience obtaining her first mortgage at the bank left her feeling more like a number than a person. “I really saw a need for people to become more empowered in their financial matters, especially when buying their homes and using their home equity to improve their finances overall. I became determined to help educate and inform mortgage clients so they would never have to feel like a number when learning about their financing. I love when our clients gain understanding and knowledge about their options so they can make the best, informed decision for their current situation and achieve their goals of buying a home of their own, reducing their debt, or investing in a new property.”

In her leisure hours, Heather enjoys spending quality time with her 5 children, her partner Kris, and family and friends. She is a native Calgarian who is proud to call this city her home. Heather is also a musician and professional singer. You may have seen her perform the national anthem at Calgary Flames games in the past, as she was formerly the NHL hockey team’s official anthem singer for 16 years (a.k.a. Heather Liscano).

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