Ivan Cermak, Mortgage Broker

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Ivan Cermak

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 778-997-9606
Email: ivan@mortgageconnection.ca

About Ivan:

Location: Alberta & British Columbia

Even though the majority of his clients are in BC and AB, Ivan thinks anyone who doesn’t use a mortgage broker is crazy. Since 2009 Ivan has been passionate about empowering clients with mortgage solutions that protect or save his clients from as many financial unknowns as possible. The unbiased power that a mortgage broker can provide is more than just a rate. It’s about understanding how everyone’s financial picture is unique and therefore must be handled accordingly. He is a “Seriously Awesome Mortgage Broker” and he’s always happy to share that awesome with you.

His hobbies are playing soccer, hockey and acting in movies and TV. His wife is also a big deal in the mortgage world and their two boys are a big deal in their world.

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