Jason Wermie, Mortgage Broker

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Jason Wermie

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 204-805-3787
Email: jwermie@mortgageconnection.ca

About Jason:

Licenced in Both Alberta and Manitoba

Jason is a natural leader, driven entrepreneur and has always had a passion for Finance and Real Estate.

Jason has always had a keen interest in everything real estate related and became a Mortgage Broker in 2009. Previous to his Mortgage Broker Role, he held a role as a Financial Controller and has extensive education in Accounting, Finance and Investing.

He has a stellar track record for building his Mortgage business year after year due to his incredible attention to detail and truly caring about the well-being of each and every client providing expert advice to every client he comes in contact with.

His energy for life is contagious, has always had a keen interest in athletics, and an absolute passion for the Mortgage Business.

Originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, (and also spending significant time in the Cayman Islands managing a property development), Jason has now called Cochrane, Alberta home for 3 years. He has two incredible sons, that he could not be prouder and more grateful to be called “DAD”

If you want the best customer service experience and knowledge in the industry, his direct cell is on 7 days a week for all clients, so please reach out.

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