Julie Jeffery, Mortgage Broker

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Julie Jeffery

Mortgage Broker

Office: 403-828-4832
Email: julie@mortgageconnection.ca

About Julie:

Location: Alberta & British Columbia

Julie has been in the mortgage industry since 2010, starting out at one of Canada’s big banks.

With the goal of providing a broad range of lender options and comprehensive mortgage solutions, Julie became a licensed mortgage agent in 2014. Her philosophy is that every client has a unique financial and personal situation and future goals for home ownership. Each client needs a customized approach to mortgage solutions. Julie provides thoughtful advice and support throughout the mortgage process. She focuses on making each stage, from mortgage pre-approval to completion as transparent, efficient and as simple as possible.

Julie works in partnership with her husband, Andy. In their leisure time, they enjoys travelling and outdoor activities with her family, including two children

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