Kelli Flynn, Mortgage Broker

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Kelli Flynn

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 780-235-3881
License #: M23008004
License Type: Agent Level 1

About Kelli:

Location: Alberta, British Columbia, & Ontario

With over 20 years in the mortgage industry, Kelli is proud to say that her business is built primarily through referrals from satisfied customers. This means your positive mortgage experience is essential!

Kelli’s passion is helping people achieve their dream of home ownership and ensuring her clients get the most from their mortgage—now and in the years to come.

“A mortgage is not simply a transaction, it’s the largest piece of one’s long term financial plan.” Kelli works diligently to ensure all of her clients’ mortgage needs are handled as such.

When a free moment arises, Kelli enjoys spending time with family and friends.

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