Manhar Rana, Mortgage Broker

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Manhar Rana

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-383-3070

About Manhar:

Based in Alberta

With 19 years of banking and financial services industry, Manhar has helped thousands of clients with professional financial & mortgage services. In last consecutive years Manhar has ranked as one of the top mortgage performers at one of the leading big bank in Canada

Manhar understands that purchasing real estate is both a financial and emotional undertaking. He has a solid educational background and holds Master degree in commerce and diploma in financial management.

His passion is to help people make their homeownership wishes come true, guiding them every step of the way toward their success and resolving any issues that may come their way.

In his free time he enjoys camping and spends time on automobile technical & mechanical work. He does Volunteering for Bowness ice hockey ‘Bruins’.

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