Mario Damjanovic, Mortgage Broker

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Mario Damjanovic

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-923-8285

About Mario:

Mario started his career in banking in 2006 and had the opportunity to work for a couple of the top 5 banks in Canada in various roles, primarily in financial advice and residential lending solutions. He is an accomplished and seasoned mortgage professional with a passion for helping clients achieve their homeownership dreams. With a solid background in finance and an MBA degree, Mario brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. His transparent communication style, attention to detail, and ability to navigate complex mortgage processes make him a trusted advisor throughout the home buying journey. He takes pride in guiding his clients every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

His dedication to exceptional customer service and his commitment to understanding each client’s unique financial goals set him apart. He works diligently to provide tailored mortgage solutions that align with his clients’ needs, ensuring they make informed decisions. Mario has developed a deep understanding of the market and a strong network of lending and various other industry partners, allowing him to secure competitive interest rates and favorable terms and products for his clients.

Mario is born and raised in Calgary, married to his wonderful wife Vlatka and is a proud father to his son, Mateo. In his spare time, he enjoys being with his family and travels back to their home country of Croatia as often as possible.

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