Mehak Malhotra, Mortgage Broker

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Mehak Malhotra

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-991-9280

About Mehak:

Location: Alberta & Ontario

Mehak attended the University of Alberta, where she graduated with a Marketing Degree. Mehak began her career with a Big 5 bank, where she developed a passion for mortgages and became a trusted source of advice for her clients.

In order to provide a more complete mortgage experience as opposed to options from just one lender, it was a natural move for her to become a mortgage broker. She prides herself on being super responsive to her clients and making sure they are approved in an efficient and well-communicated manner.

When not immersed in mortgages, you will likely find Mehak and her fiancé enjoying everything Calgary has to offer. A perfect day in the city for Mehak is a round on the golf course or riding the biking trails, followed by dining at one of the many amazing local restaurants.

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