Olivia Ohuegba, Mortgage Broker

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Olivia Ohuegbe

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-807-0275
Email: olivia@mortgageconnection.ca

About Olivia:

Olivia has a strong education background holding multiple degrees in economics and finance. She began her career in the banking world where over a span of twelve years she held various positions providing her with real life experience in the lending landscape.

She made the move to become a mortgage broker in 2006 so that she could combine her passion for real estate and aptitude for numbers. Olivia works hard to develop strong relationships, built on sound advice and trust. Homeownership can be an intimidating endeavor and Olivia takes pride in providing an exceptional experience for all of her clients.

Olivia is committed to giving back to the community and has held various volunteer roles including Director of Humanitarian Services for the Nigerian Canadian Association of Calgary. Olivia is an active member of her church and in her free time she enjoys reading, writing, playing chess and spending time with her husband and children.

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