Pam Lobban

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Pam Lobban

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 780-831-9024

About Pam:

Hi, my name is Pamela Lobban. I joined the Mortgage Industry as a Certified Broker in 1999 and have helped thousands of clients reach their homeownership goals ever since. Prior to becoming a Mortgage Broker, I worked as a real estate agent in Grande Prairie and understand the complexities of our local market. As an Elite Hall of Fame Mortgage Broker at Dominion Lending, I can provide my clients with the most innovative home financing products available in the marketplace. I believe that in an age where mortgages and circumstances are growing in complexity, service and reliability matter. Whether you are a first-time home buyer, looking to trade up, deciding to downsize, looking to renovate a home, transferring a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage, my role is to find the best mortgage product for you. Even in tough situations, I am here to help you work through your credit challenges and build a plan so that down the road you can reach your financing goals.

A “people person” by nature, I approach each client as an individual and tailor my services to meet your needs. Buying a home can be stressful, but with my services, I hope to minimize stress and help you enjoy experiencing one of life’s most exciting endeavors. I believe in building trust, community, and having clients for life. I approach my work and clients with positivity and warmth.

Outside of the office, I have been married for 36 years to my husband Mark, have three daughters and have four grandchildren. Alongside building a successful career, my greatest accomplishment has been raising our three successful daughters to be kind, loyal and trustworthy; and to contribute to this big ole’ world their very best selves. In my spare time, I love to cook for my family, quilt and enjoy a good cup of tea.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to call me at 780-831-9024 or email

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