Paul Traptow

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Paul Traptow

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-701-7878
Office: 403-701-7878

About Paul:

With over 20 years in the mortgage industry in Alberta. I know mortgages! As a seasoned Mortgage Professional with over 20 years of experience in the Alberta mortgage industry, I am dedicated to helping Albertans achieve their homeownership dreams. My extensive knowledge of the market, lending criteria and options enables me to find the best possible mortgage solutions for my clients. Whether you are a first-time buyer, move up buyer, retiree, or an experienced real estate investor. I can guide you through the mortgage process with ease and provide you with personalized advice, support and a solution. I add the human factor

With over 20 years in the mortgage industry in Alberta. I know mortgages! As a seasoned Mortgage Professional with over 20 years of experience in the Alberta mortgage industry, I am dedicated to helping Albertans achieve their homeownership dreams. My extensive knowledge of the market, lending criteria and options enables me to find the best possible mortgage solutions for my clients. Whether you are a first-time buyer, move up buyer, retiree, or an experienced real estate investor. I can guide you through the mortgage process with ease and provide you with personalized advice, support and a solution. I add the human factor

Contact me, I am here to help. That is what I love to do.

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