Reagan Flynn, Partner & Mortgage Broker

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Reagan Flynn

Partner & Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-589-0877

About Reagan:

Location: Alberta & British Columbia

Reagan has called Calgary home for many years, but still has strong Saskatchewan roots. She has been a mortgage broker for 13 years and her passion for working in the mortgage industry continues to grow year after year. Reagan enjoys the dynamic nature of the business that constantly challenges her to learn more and create solutions that best meet her client’s needs.

Prior to brokering, she worked as an accountant and is detail oriented and just gets numbers. A pretty important combination when helping people decide on the best options for what is likely their single biggest investment-their home.

In her youth Reagan played university level soccer and you can still find her on the pitch playing competitively. In her leisure time, she enjoys spending it with her family in the great outdoors or checking out another city or country.

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