Réal Leblanc, Mortgage Broker

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Réal Leblanc

Mortgage Broker

Office: 587-229-3348
Email: real@mortgageconnection.ca

About Réal:

Réal has been helping his clients secure favorable financing terms since he moved “Out West” in 2012. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, he is a proud Maritimer. After graduating with his Business Degree from Saint Mary’s University (Halifax), he knew Calgary was the right place to advance his career

Since arriving in Calgary, Réal has excelled as a Mortgage Broker by consistently being placed in the top 5% of DLC Mortgage Brokers in all of Canada in terms of total volume. This success is simply due to his philosophy of “getting a good deal isn’t good enough; my job is also to reduce stress by educating the client to the point where they feel like they’re in control again”. This practice has led to clients enjoying the home buying process a lot more and he takes great pride in that.

As a proud father of two young children, Réal stays very busy chasing them around when he’s not working on mortgages. They are also the key driver of his ambition; as he likes to say “the more families I help, the more I help mine”.

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