Shahid Mahmood

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Shahid Mahmood

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-990-2907

About Shahid:

Based in Alberta

With over 15 years of experience in the financial industry with Big banks ,Shahid understands that purchasing real estate is both a financial and emotional undertaking. Shahid will help and guide you throughout the process to ensure a positive and comfortable experience.

He works outside of regular business hours to accommodate his client’s busy schedules.

He has a strong educational background with MBA degree and always acts with professionalism and integrity. He works closely with his customers to help them reach their financial goals through actively managing their mortgage. He believes mortgage is not just a single transaction, it is a long term business relationship that why he has earned a loyal following of satisfied customers.

Shahid is ready to provide you with a diversified financial solution depending on your situation which includes First time home buyer, new to Canada, Purchase, refinance and renewals with competitive offer.

Shahid enjoys spending time with his wife, son ,daughter in outdoor activities and travelling.

If you are looking for a mortgage, call Shahid today and let him guide you through a positive mortgage experience .

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