Shawn McCord, Partner & Mortgage Broker

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Shawn McCord

Partner & Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-816-1929

About Shawn:

Shawn has been providing impressive service for 20 years, mostly in the oil and gas sector. The mortgage business has always been of keen interest to him, coupled with a background in land surveying and a commitment to details, he’s suited to satisfy your mortgage priorities.

Shawn is thorough, hard working and with a need to get it right attitude, he ensures his clients get the best financing available for their needs. His enjoyment comes from the personal connection, stories and relationships behind the mortgage process.

A born and raised Calgarian, Shawn likes playing hockey and being outdoors when he’s not mortgage brokering. He feels blessed to have an amazing wife, two beautiful daughters and a family pup named Charlie.

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