Steven Loewer, Mortgage Broker

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Steven Loewer

Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-836-7411

About Steven:

Location: Alberta, British Columbia, & Saskatchewan

Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Steven developed a passion for real estate early in life, buying his first rental property at the age of 19. He attended the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary, completing a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a finance major. This experience gave him the skills and knowledge to become a successful private lending specialist who helps brokers and their clients find short-term financing solutions.

His determination to learn the story of each client and find a unique solution for everyone he deals with has led to him being involved in transacting over $350,000,000 worth of real estate and real estate financing.

When not immersed in real estate and mortgages, Steven loves spending time with friends and family, traveling, playing sports, volunteering, and riding his motorcycle.

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