Triston Scott, Partner & Mortgage Broker

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Triston Scott

Partner & Mortgage Broker

Cell: 403-606-3249

About Triston:

Location: Alberta & British Columbia

Having been a mortgage broker since 2003, Triston developed a strong foundation in the industry by being mentored by some of Calgary’s most experienced brokers.

She has since helped clients navigate their financing needs through many economic cycles, and is grateful to have built good relationships and solid reputation amongst the top lenders and real estate professionals.

Triston is proud to have established decades-plus long relationships with clients—being entrusted to facilitate their financing needs for multiple transactions.

Triston and her husband recently started their family, having a son in 2018. She loves being a wife, mother and aunt, and when not with her family can be found in a dance class, book club, or enjoying a puzzle.

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